Thursday, 5 May 2011

Donor Eggs

If a woman absolutely cannot get pregnant with her own eggs, then donor eggs is her only remaining option. Actually, although not her first choice, it is nonetheless a very good option. We have been offering donor egg IVF for over 24 years, and therefore have had a chance to follow these children and their parents for a almost a quarter century. Both the children and the parents are well adjusted and completely happy with their lives as a result of the donor egg IVF. In fact, these wonderful outcomes convince me that in the controversial nature vs. nurture debate, nurture is the clear winner. The reason it is so often misunderstood is that what appears to be ingrained character in a child is in truth, a subtle result of early interaction with parents in the first two or three years of life. The character, personality, intelligence, and even coordination motor skills of the child are dependent on that emotional bonding and complex interaction with parents in the first few months and years. So couples who have to take their second choice, donor eggs, because they have run out of their own eggs, should not be forlorn. Donor eggs are a great option for them.

How does it work and how do you select an egg donor? Many IVF programs just have a small local pool of egg donors, which we feel is not a favorable approach. We work with a variety of specialized donor agencies all around the U.S. encompassing every geographic region and every ethnic and racial group so as to give the couple with ovarian failure the largest possible choice. We do all the medical work and screening, but the infertile couple does the choosing based on detailed characteristics and appearance of the donor. However, for psychological reasons, we feel it is best for both the donor and recipient to remain anonymous to each other, although an occasional couple will prefer a known donor. In either event, if you are forced by complete lack of any fertile eggs of your own, to use donor eggs instead, in the end you can feel quite comfortable that you can still have a very happy and fulfilling family.

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