Monday, 16 May 2011

The History of IVF


The first French IVF birth occurred in Clamart, France by the group of Frydman and Testart.

The first IVF birth in Sweden (Hamberger L, Wikland M, Nilsson L, Janson PO, Sjo¨ gren A and Hillensjo¨ T (1982) Methods for aspiration of human oocytes by various techniques. Acta Med Rom 20,370 – 378).

Birth of first Austrian "Test tube baby" (Twin pregnancy) (Feichtinger W, Szalay S, Kemeter P, Beck A, Janisch H.Twin pregnancy after laparoscopic oocyte recovery, in-vitro fertilization and embryotransfer (author's transl)]Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd. 1982;42(3):197-9).

Richard Fleming

The first demonstration that GnRH agonists can be used to eliminate premature luteinization and control ovarian stimulation (Fleming R, Adam AH, Barlow DH, Black WP, MacNaughton MC, Coutts JR. A new systematic treatment for infertile women with abnormal hormone profiles. Br J Obstet Gynaecol. 1982 ;89:80-3).

The first report of the need for a delay between oocyte collection and insemination to allow oocytes collected to complete maturation (Trounson AO, Mohr LR, Wood C, Leeton JF. Effect of delayed insemination on in-vitro fertilization, culture and transfer of human embryos. J Reprod Fertil 1982;64:285-94).

Susan Lenz

Susan Lenz and Jurgen G Lauritsen demonstrated trans abdominal transvesical oocyte aspiration using an ultrasound-guided needle (Lenz S, Lauritsen JG. Ultrasonically guided percutaneous aspiration of human follicles under local anesthesia: a new method of collecting oocytes for in vitro fertilization. Fertil Steril 1982;38:673-7).

Ian Craft in London reported a pregnancy from transfer of gametes to the uterus (Craft I, Djahanbakhch O, McLeod F, Bernard A, Green S, Twigg H, Smith W, Lindsay K, Edmonds K. Human pregnancy following oocyte and sperm transfer to the uterus.Lancet. 1982, 8;1(8280):1031-3).

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