Monday, 9 May 2011

Patients comments - 4

Dear Dr. Silber,
It was lovely meeting with you in Belfast back in November. Sorry I am only getting around to e-mailing you the pictures now.

Thank you so much for taking care of us. It is great that I now have the pictures to show the boys when they are older and I can tell them all about the long story of how we eventually went to St. Louis for IVF and got the beautiful babies we had wanted for so long.

To-morrow Stephen and I are going away on our first holiday together as a family with the babies and we are very excited. We are looking forward to going to America with Joshua and Logan. We feel that they might as well be American because, after all, we went all the way over there to have them and that is where they began life in St. Louis!

Best wishes,
Judith & Stephen Fullerton
Belfast, Ireland

Reply from Dr. Silber:

Dear Judith and Stephen,

Thanks so much for your kind letter, the beautiful pictures, and for keeping in touch. Many patients just forget about us once they have their babies, and I can understand that. But the whole reason I am in medical practice, as you well know, is the joy of hearing from people like you and seeing your joy. This is truly my only reason for working so hard to always continue to improve the medical treatments available for couples like you. You made my week when we bumped into each other in Ireland, and you made my day today with these wonderful pictures. YOU MAKE MY LIFE WITH YOUR HAPPINESS.

Dr. Sherman Silber

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