Once the blood tests and ultrasounds indicate a reasonable size and number of follicles, an injection of hCG is given. This hormone causes the final maturation of the egg and loosening of the egg from the wall of the follicle. The egg retrieval occurs on the second morning after this final injection (34-36 hours later).
The egg retrieval is performed by an ultrasound guided needle puncture through the top of the vagina. Local anesthetic (freezing) is placed in the top of the vagina. A short-acting intravenous medication is given for pain control. Relaxation techniques can also be helpful. Your partner is encouraged to be with you during the egg retrieval. The fluid is drained from each follicle and examined under a microscope. Not every follicle contains an egg, but at least half of the large follicles will usually yield eggs.
The eggs are removed from the ovaries by transvaginal ultrasound technique. This minor surgical procedure is performed in our certified in-office operating room suite. The procedure takes about 15 min. and is performed under intravenous sedation given by our board-certified anesthesiologist. You will be going home about 30 minutes later. You may feel tired afterwards, so plan on taking the rest of the day off.
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