Sunday, 1 May 2011

Tests that are done before IVF:

Before resorting to IVF, your doctor may want to do some testing to determine what is causing your fertility issues. Some tests that are commonly done before IVF include:
  • HIV & hepatitis test:(for safety reasons you and your partner’s blood will need to be tested prior to having IVF)
  • Female fertility tests:Before having IVF, you may be required to have blood testing done to check your hormone levels, determine egg quality, and verify whether or not you are ovulating. Your doctor may also want to check the structure of your uterine cavity and check for any blockage of your fallopian tubes. You may be given a test called an HSG, orhysterosalpingogram, which is a special x-ray of the uterus and fallopian tubes. It allows your doctor to see any abnormalities in the uterus or if your tubes are blocked.
  • Male fertility tests:Your partner may be required to have asemen analysisdone before having IVF. A sample of your partner’s semen may be sent off for analysis to check his sperm count, sperm motility, and sperm quality.
  • Mock Transfer:Some clinics will do a mock transfer before doing IVF. During a mock transfer, your doctor will insert a catheter into your uterus, much like he would during a real transfer. This mock transfer allows him to measure the depth of your uterus and to determine the best way to insert the catheter during the real transfer.

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